Oh boy, we’re on the road again! This time, it’s the whole fam jam down at Reese’s condo at the beach. But will it be all out war again between the men and women? Not if Suzanne has anything to do with it.
Oh, yeah, they’re in Florida, so we’re debating its Southerness and talking about beach memories in a Salina’s Sidebar. And stick around for an “Extra Sugar” dedicated to where we are in the show now: 1988.
Want to dig deeper? Here are some references we mentioned:
And our Florida recommendations:
Come on, let’s get into it!
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Hey, Nikki.
Hey, Salina.
And hello everyone and welcome to Sweet Tea and TV.
It is season three.
Holy Moly.
How have we gotten three seasons through this show?
It's Just been a year.
Oh, my gosh.
Just 52 weeks 365 days.
Uh, I'm kidding.
We're not quite there yet, but we're getting close.
We're getting close to the year anniversary and we're going to stop talking about time because I loved hearing one the other week listening back in A Q and A and we're like talking about snow on the ground and it's like 95 degrees outside.
And I'm like, well, let's be fair.
That's just called Spring in the South.
That could be Monday and Tuesday.
My grandma said we're gonna get a blackberry winter.
So that means we're gonna get one more cold snap.
Oh, because when there's blackberries for them, it's Bad.
It's bad for your plants.
Probably great for blackberries.
It's, it's their winter.
Oh, I just assume it's like hot girl summer.
But for blackberries, hot.
You like that joke.
It's about 10 months old.
And by the time this comes out it'll be about 14 months old.
So that's a goodie.
Just shake the dirt off that.
And the age, will you like a blackberry?
It's actually my favorite fruit blackberries.
Oh, I hate them so much.
Oh, ok.
Well, get out, you get out, get nasty seeds in your teeth.
I love them.
They're my favorite now.
Like I'm frozen too.
I didn't know that about you.
Can we still be friends?
We have a podcast together.
So, I mean, I'll look through the blackberry eating.
Well, what's your favorite fruit?
Probably an apple, an apple or watermelon, watermelon?
See that?
About where do you sell you?
But I also very much like apples.
Yeah, I don't think mine kind of rotates sometimes but I would be like class fit.
Yeah, I like berries.
I mean, don't eat them, but that would not be my favorite.
I like grapes.
I do like pineapple.
Yeah, honey too.
Yeah, you're not even getting, you're getting into all.
Like what I feel there's not American, but it feels like American fruit.
Like, I like papayas and mangoes and you know, the good stuff doesn't taste as good here.
It's because we don't do a good job transporting fruit here.
So, like, I feel like you may change your mind if I had one in Thailand.
Gotta get it from the source.
That's true.
It's V T and TV.
Road trip.
Southern Thailand.
There you go.
It works.
It does.
Well, I've got, we started at the end of last season, the, um, in the August transition in my face.
Yeah, I know.
Uh, we started, we, we pivoted from, uh, Proust and started asking some of the James Lipton questions.
That's right.
So we're gonna continue on this journey, I think for a little bit of season three.
I don't know how long it'll last.
So, but, you know, I've gotten some good feedback about it.
Um People like the introspection.
Yeah, they're not having to answer and record it at the same time.
Um But, uh so one question that Lifton asks, are you ready for it?
I guess I'm here.
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
So it doesn't have to be all three creatively spiritually emotionally.
Uh Just start talking, you do the Jeopardy music or something.
I maybe I'll go with emotionally because we were just talking about this.
Um Like a really good emotional drama movie.
It is the fastest way to get the waterworks running for me and that turns you on.
This is not, yeah, it turns on the water, work it.
So like if I'm having, like if I'm going through like a, a thing, like I'm feeling a lot of emotion, I'm a very, I'm a big feeler is how I would describe myself.
And sometimes crying is just like the only way to get it out.
But I think I've like, stunted myself over the years because I used to just cry at the drop of a hat.
Like everything can make me cry.
Um, but I've kind of like trained it out of myself or something.
Um, and so I think if I need that release, the easiest way to do it is just to watch a, a Steel Magnolias type movie, just cry straight through it.
And I get to the end and I feel like a, a washcloth that you've run out and I feel better.
I get that.
Uh, I do that with movies TV.
Some commercials will do it for me.
Um, they'll get me, like, in a space where I could, like, cry through like three or four holiday commercials for like public holiday commercials.
Get me every time and the whole family gets together.
I'm more likely to cry at fake stuff than real stuff.
So I get that.
Well, I guess I'll take creatively, um, I don't know why spiritual feels close to emotional.
It's not really, but I'm just gonna take creatively.
Um, what turns me on creatively.
Uh, I think, uh, a challenge.
So, um, but, or like a cup of coffee, I'm, I'm easy.
I don't know, it's just really not that, it's really not that hard.
Um, so on the flip side of that, what turns you off?
Oh, no.
Uh, let's see what turns me off creatively emotionally or spiritually.
You got to go to that place.
I know, I have to close my eyes.
I have to think about it.
I, I, I don't know if this is the right answer and there's no right answer.
There's no stress.
Like, turns off all of those things.
It is absolutely the right answer.
It's just like any time I'm feeling overwhelmed or, like, I'm barely treading water.
I can't do any of those things.
Like I can't be tapped in spiritually, I can't be tapped in emotionally and stress is different than pressure.
I mean, they can feel related but, you know, people really work well under pressure and I consider you someone who works well under pressure.
I like that deadline that quick turnaround time.
So yeah.
And so like I, and I think I want to differentiate that for people who don't know you well, because I do feel like those are two really different things.
And I feel like if it is one thing to be working under a deadline, it's another thing to feel like you're working under the weight of the world.
Yes, I think that's a good distinction.
And I definitely think when I say when I say stress, I mean, when I feel like everything hinges on like one thing or um like if one thing goes off course everything falls apart and then there's just no way for me to get my mind thinking creatively or to feel tapped into anything bigger than myself or like that feeling, you know, how sometimes it feels like everything, they'll laugh.
I will do it for you.
Everything feels like it's going right at work but then nothing feels like it's right at home or vice versa when it's both is when I feel like I'm crater towards the end of something scary and spiry.
Uh, so, but for me, I think it's meanness that really turns me off.
I like it.
I don't like it when people are like, unintentionally mean it gets me in a bad space.
Um Or if you're going to be mean, like put some humor into it, darn it, you know, don't make us suffer through just straight meanness.
So I think that's mine.
How do you feel about Lipton?
Do you?
I like those good questions.
Yeah, I was going to say they feel a little more modern than the pro question.
Who's your favorite?
Eating fruit and lounging poet?
While someone waves you with that.
This is a leaf.
I don't know, maybe they're rubbing you with a feather and waving you with a leaf.
I don't know.
We were just talking about turn ons.
What do you want from?
Speaking of turn ons and rubbing with a feather.
Oh my goodness.
Where is this going?
Oh, we Talk About Season three, episode one that it total feathers and waving.
Put me in the mind and we're calling this episode Take your big knockers and hit the road.
I mean, it's pretty perfect knockers fans.
Other hit.
Anything so close on it.
So let's do it.
Season three episode one.
Um We're calling it that but um L BT called it reservations for 12th plus Ursula.
So Hulu's description says the ladies and their boyfriends, plus several of their Children and grandchildren.
Look forward to a sunny Thanksgiving at a cozy beachside condo air date, November 14th, 1988.
This one was written by L BT and directed by David trainer.
So you want to jump into some general reactions slash stray observations?
I do.
But do you want me to go first?
So actually, I, I feel like all my general reactions are questions all the time.
So I apologize.
That's not gonna change in season three.
But I'm a, I'm I'm saying it as a question but it is more of how I feel.
Which is, is this the companion to our season two finale, reservations for eight or what we renamed?
You're so good when you're bad?
It feels like it is.
Is it the, did you say?
Is it the finale, the companion, the companion?
So I have evidence.
Go for it.
So our characters mentioned the season finale, ski trip twice, uh failed ski trip if you will.
So one they bring up the whole separate room fiasco again.
I was like, Good Lord, didn't we leave that in season two?
And then also late in the episode, Julia demands to know why everything spirals into a lot more between men and women every time they go on a trip.
So it feels like we're continuing on that story to what end though.
Well, what I will say is if it is, if it is the companion piece, the confrontation in this one does feel like it's a little bit more productive.
Now I'm talking about towards the end of the episode where they all, all the women burst, except for Suzanne, all burst into the men's room in the middle of the night right here.
They at least attempt to articulate some things versus just slow dancing, their troubles away.
So, uh that's a good point.
I was trying to figure out why these two episodes went back to back, back to back.
It didn't because you're using the word companion.
I'm not sure that's how I would describe it.
It's almost like like a companion to me.
Sounds like an arc.
Like we're going to start over here.
We're going to come up here and have some fights and then we're going to end here somewhere worthwhile.
But we had an arc in that last episode, I think like they, even if it was just dancing with no dialogue, they concluded their issues with one another was what I took away from the episode.
So this is just like a, a weird second version.
Now, have you tried with Kyle to when y'all are fighting to just see if you can slow dance?
That's how we end our fights.
Is that not what you, in case you do?
Well, I'm gonna start.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's the only way to do it.
I don't know.
Is there another way?
So that's interesting.
That's an interesting point.
I, I just, and you've jumped straight to the thing I didn't like, which is, I don't like opening the season like this.
It makes no sense to me to go from that episode straight into this one, which does, you're right.
It acknowledges this one over here.
This being the old one too similar, too similar and to no useful end in my opinion, although we give Suzanne more to do and this is true.
So which is nice.
Uh Speaking of Suzanne, one of my observations, can I share it, please?
The idea of taking a pig to the Dairy Queen?
Aren't you the person that loves micro pigs?
Could you imagine a micro pig sitting in your cup holder?
I don't know.
Are they that micro?
I don't know.
I would love for them to be with sunglasses on cruising through the Dairy Queen drive and then we would share a blizzard.
Oh, you would share.
I don't think so.
No, he would have his own.
I won't even look like a dog like lick my face.
So, but yeah, I could get them the, the, the real tiny blizzard.
And I'm like, why does this blizzard exist for micro pigs?
It's definitely not for human consumption.
No, I saw it one time.
He just pissed me off.
I was like, what is this?
Why did I waste the gas to come all the way through the drive through to get a thimble of soft?
I need a Large, I'm 100% with you.
Yeah, that was my observation.
It, well, what are your general reactions?
Well, no, they're all, they're all strays.
That's fine.
They're all strays.
Well, you wanna share some.
Hold on, let me share my last general reaction.
And then we'll move into strays because we've got a rhythm.
We're trying to.
Um, so my other general reaction is also a question.
Should we talk about this whole women on women jealousy thing?
Do you want me to say more?
My second point to that first point, I'm trying so hard not to laugh because it's gonna make me break out into a cough.
Oh, uh I'll just go ahead and fill folks in.
Nikki is ill.
No, no.
Nikki was ill.
Nikki's recovering.
That's true.
With a lot of coughing.
It's breaking up.
That's what I like to say.
So I think it's adding like it's gonna have like a nice little soundtrack to the bottom of it.
Kind of like Top Gun.
That's right.
So at least you have a reason to wheeze.
I'm like laughing.
I'm like, so it's fine.
Uh OK, so my, so I guess, like, would you like to even talk about the women on women jealousy thing?
Did that hit you at all while you're watching?
For sure.
I mean, did, did you like it?
Did you hate it?
Did it bother you?
Did it not bother you?
Um, hm.
It felt like at least there was, there was an object that we were talking about.
So, so being the object, ursula, being the object, the subject maybe is a better word.
There was a thing.
But wasn't she the object of the episode?
Yes, that's true.
So, in the last, so the season finale, we're arguing over these um abstract concepts versus a thing and now we have the thing that we're going to argue with.
You're landing on the, what makes it a companion, then it's like an actual stumbling block versus a conversation.
But they are being forced to face a true obstacle to their relationships.
I mean, but that's actually where I'm going to come in because I don't think it's a true obstacle to the relationship was because my thing is I have my personal feeling, but I'm gonna ask the question was Ursula enjoying the attention.
You know, that is, that is interesting because I actually didn't think necessarily that she was, oh, you thought she was like thrown off or something?
I, she was bouncing in a corner at one point.
Was she playing the game?
I thought she was just having fun and the ladies were an unwelcoming crew.
So not the way a friendly group of people, not the way I would play that.
So I, well, ok, so my answer is I think she was, but I think she's doing that normal thing that uber attractive people do.
They feed on it, they feed on the attention.
I don't think I feed on it.
I mean, people like me feed on the attention.
I'm way too humble for all of that.
It's not even necessarily and I don't even mean that in a negative way.
Think about it this way.
Uh Well, I'll use myself as an example because it feels weird to use you as one like any normal human being with blood running through their veins.
If someone starts complimenting me on something, even if it's like something at work or whatever I feed on that.
I live on it.
I'm not saying like I don't, I don't even, I mean, I like it.
Uh but like uh it's something that uh helps motivate me, you know, it keeps me going.
So I mean, it more from that angle, more so than like a suckling vampire or something feeding on it, you know.
Suckling suckling.
That's also for sweet tea after sweet tea TV, after dark.
Um But that's what I mean, like it's, it's almost like it gives her life blood a little bit and I, I feel like that's what I saw but I also don't think that we should punish women for being attractive.
I mean, that feels so terrible to me.
Um, and I do think that happens.
It happened then it happened now.
I don't know, it ever doesn't happen.
Uh, you know, one thing that I think is really, really unfair is that people may automatically think that they're less intelligent or trying to take their boyfriend, partner, husband, wife, whatever.
That's not fair.
The part of them as a human, the part I liked about Ursula though was it wasn't that she was just beautiful.
No, she was all fine, but we'll get to that too.
And, well, I'm just going to start a new group called this aggravated me.
But I, well, I think they hit the nail on the head though.
It wasn't Ursula.
They didn't like, not really.
I don't think they knew how to act around someone because she is almost like this unbelievable person.
But like it was the way J D Reese and Bill were acting around her, making them feel like crappy about themselves.
That's what they didn't like.
But I think they had to figure that out too.
Like this isn't, this isn't an Ursula problem.
This is, uh, our boyfriends, husbands, whatever they are.
They're all sort of being bulls.
They're just kind of maybe not great partners.
It's, I think it's the thing that we're going to continue to come back to do.
You know who I think the real problem is but, uh, yeah, he rears his ugly head again in this.
Yeah, but he makes some admissions too and I don't think, I don't think I covered this in any of anything else that I had on my mind.
But, like, um, this is, I don't think this isn't something that I really, uh, held on to that much because I guess at this point I just don't care.
sometimes he's so annoying to me now.
Like, but he says this thing about like he just liked that she made him feel young but then he made a face.
That's right.
Like he was making it.
Yeah, sure.
That sounds good.
I mean the other thing is like, I'm sorry, but if she didn't look like Ursula, would that have still meant as much to you?
Come on man.
So good point.
Well, I blew that out of the water.
Tell me about your strays.
We had another Mary Jo reference.
We actually had two of them.
Only one was in the episode.
One is going to be a cut line we'll cover later.
Um But she says, well, now we know where they got the name.
Oh Pear, love it.
Yeah, love it.
So uh other stories I only have one more.
What are yours?
So it's almost like you think, you know me and that I have more than one.
I am trying to keep it short.
But so my first stray is we'd love to have Anthony in the cold open, moving luggage and then never more stray one.
How did he get left behind on this one?
Why couldn't he have gone?
There weren't enough room.
I wanted him to bring him into the, I wanted them to bring them into the fold.
Even They were in a cozy condo with four bedrooms.
It's just, just a tiny little beach beachside shack.
Um That was too many in it.
Uh Why did Bill and Charlene stick around to interview a pairs?
They don't have any Children?
That was so weird.
That was really weird.
Like, that's what I'm saying.
Like if, if Anthony, why can't Anthony be there, they can be there for the au pair interviews.
The other thing is, is like, I'm thinking if I'm Bill and Charlene, I'm out of there, I'm like, good luck on your hunting.
Yeah, I'll be down at the beach drinking cocktails.
Um, and then this is here.
It is.
This is my point about ursula, why is someone as qualified as she is trying to get a babysitting gig for four kids for a week, two weeks, they're there for Thanksgiving, they were there for like four days, four days.
So as a parent, I'm like, why do you need an au pair?
Well, let's talk about some of her accolades here.
She has a master's in psychology.
Uh, she's a graduate of the International Governor.
School in Oslo speaks seven languages.
And for some reason, we also felt the need to know that her mother was the wet nurse for the royal family of Denmark.
Not really sure why we needed to know that, but I mean, I think we know why, uh, we needed to know that.
But, um, all of those things, plus she winds up being a beauty pageant winner but like a Miss Universe or something.
I can't remember which one it is.
So, all of these things and the best thing that she can do is get a job babysitting kids for four days at a condo in Florida.
It's weird.
We're trying a little hard there.
That's all.
Maybe, yeah.
Some people like being an au pair, maybe that is her life.
But she Would have for more than four days.
I can even believe she'd be an au pair.
Well, that four days, I think the au pair for four days is the part that we should be focusing on versus Ursula's resume because I think that that was a flimsy storyline.
They really needed someone to take their kids down to the beach for their four day vacation.
I mean, she, she graduated with the governess from a governess school.
So obviously she's going to be involved with Children.
This just feels like maybe she's in her light chapter of her life.
She's done all the hard stuff now.
She's just taking little jobs here and there to pay the bills.
She's running around Florida.
She needs to tan, she needs to leave tan time.
All right.
Well, why don't you tell me about your final stray?
My final stray is that Charlene got up at 5:30 AM.
This is a level of detail that was included in the episode.
She got up at 5:30 to wash her hair on vacation.
That's weird.
No, let's talk about weird.
Is she feeling some sort of way about Ursula though and trying to look nice?
I had that thought.
I had that thought but I don't know that that's what it was.
She could have gotten up at six and done that or seven.
You know, like the time she was Charlene.
Charlene and like, maybe this condo doesn't have the best like water heater situation.
So maybe she's doing it out of like, to make sure that she doesn't take away warm water from other people.
So it does feel like Charlene, have You washed your hair at 5:30 ami know where you're getting around to?
Um, I feel like, uh, the answer is probably no, has it ever happened?
Maybe if like, we were going somewhere and we had to like, drive far away from the condo or something then then maybe.
But I also feel like, uh the spans of time between I wash my, when I wash my hair have gotten much wider as I've aged all part of being hot and sexy.
Um, and so I, I'm gonna go with no, but, uh, while we're on this Florida thing, can we do a little Florida sidebar?
A Florida side bar or a Salina sidebar about Florida?
A Salina sidebar about Florida?
Uh, I don't even know what my own segments are called.
It's a side bar.
Celina sidebar.
She's got a keyboard looking for a reward but in deep in the obscure, taking us on a deep tour.
What you got Salina in Salina?
Well, let's talk.
Uh, Florida.
Uh, but before we even do that, I actually, I got to back up a minute because this really lands us at a very delicate Southern question.
Nikki Florida call it southern, not southern.
I feel like I always have really hot takes on this topic of states that are southern and not.
I say Florida is southern.
I do.
You want to give any evidence for that or you just want to say?
Well, they're in the south.
So, geographically, geographically, uh Florida people have very strong Southern accents.
If they're like native Floridians, they can have very strong southern accents.
Um, so, yeah, those are two ways.
That's fair, not to mention.
I think a lot of other southerners have made their way to Florida over time.
So, even if they weren't Southern, uh, an interesting argument because I feel like I rarely hear the argument about Southerners making their way to Florida because I tend to think about snowbirds.
Um, but yeah, obviously people move to Florida and some of them are going to be southern.
So my answer is yes and no, because I really like to muddy the waters and I, I think it depends on what part of the state you're in.
Uh, which I think is what you were getting at, but you didn't want to say it.
So I'll say it.
I said, but especially if, you know, if we're referring to these cultural Southern iss.
So, um, like eating certain certain foods, like grits and biscuits or religions and by that, I mean, college football or like the most obvious indicator which you mentioned, like, accent.
So I, I absolutely think that those things exist in Florida and I, I think somewhere I read the four, unlike the rest of the country, the further north you go, the more southern it feels in Florida.
I definitely agree with that.
So I think the closer we get to the tip of the state, the opposite.
Yes, because I think you get more of a Caribbean influence.
Um, the further south you go Caribbean and Latin American.
And then the further north you go, you're pretty much like there's like a no man's land almost that might as well just be Georgia.
I might as well be South Georgia extended into Florida and I don't mean to call it, no man's land.
I just mean like that space of land where it's just like, I'm highly offended and I'm walking out So vox polled more than 40,000 readers in 2016 and 80% agreed at Southern.
So the people are on your side, lady.
It feels like there's this thing where people say, like only in Florida, there's this podcast that I used to love listening to um, Matt be uh, whine about it.
And he has this segment where he says, like only in Florida and he tells these really outrageous stories.
You have to be Southern to have those crazy stories.
But Florida is a special brand.
I think I just again saw another one, like a story was in the headlines this week where I was like Florida.
God, it's what's happening there.
They have gators.
That's why I think that it's, it's all the gators, all the sunshine in the gators.
Well, on it, on the show Atlanta, they call it the Florida man, the Florida man.
Everything is the Florida man.
He's almost like, like, uh, like the boogeyman Florida.
So there's more to it than that, but it's pretty funny.
Um, also I just wanted to say that I'm not gonna go into this because I could do a Florida podcast myself at this point.
But there was a really hilarious, uh, Ringer article about whether or not Florida is northern or Southern.
And so, um, we'll put that in the show notes for people to read.
It is really worth the read.
It's pretty funny.
It's northern or southern.
Because, see, here's the other thing, I would never classify Florida as northern.
So you can ask me if it's southern.
And my answer is like, yeah, I think so.
They may have just said it may be on its own.
It's just, I think that's eventually what, what it kind of comes around to.
It, it's really, really well written.
Um, it's just the kind of sarcasm you need in your life.
Um, so outside of that great debate, which I'm telling you, it's fueled, it's heated.
It is.
I'm, I'm hoping we can talk a little bit about our Florida experience.
Um, so, like, maybe we can't fully relate to this episode and everything that's going on, but I think we can both fully relate to Florida vacation.
I've had all kinds.
Um, and if you're not from Georgia, you should know Florida is a top destination for us.
One because what I just, you can be there in just like six hours.
Yeah, you don't have to get in a plane.
You can, but you don't have to.
Um, and two, there are legitimately gorgeous beaches there.
You can't take that away from them.
You really can't.
Uh, and three, uh, you also have theme parks.
Disney World, Universal Bush Gardens is somewhere in the mix.
I, I've never been to Busch Gardens.
But I know it's there and then Sea World I have been there.
Um, and then, uh, wilderness adventures.
It's home to the Okefenokee, these amazing freshwater springs, Nikki.
I think you've been to some of those before.
Uh, so do you have any standout Florida memories or maybe plugs for musty places, things to do.
You Just reminded me one that didn't make my list.
The freshwater springs.
They are crazy.
Um, they are literally fresh water in the middle of the state.
They have like, I don't know, 94% visibility.
You can see as far as you have vision to see in the freshwater springs.
They're very cold.
Um But you can see and um you can swim with manatees in Florida in Crystal River.
So it's not a freshwater spring, it's a freshwater river.
Um But I have done that before and uh manatee season is gosh, I'll get the exact months wrong but say like December to March where they congregate toward the center of the river because it's warmer.
So they make their way into the center of the river where it's warmer uh for the winter months and you can get a snorkel and you can go snorkel right next to them and they manatees are sea cows is their other nickname.
They're gigantic, but they are so docile, they will not hurt you.
Um Dolphins are docile, but I have also swam with dolphins in Florida and they are a little bit more scary than manatees because manatees don't move very fast.
Um, so my stepdad and I took a trip down to Crystal River a few years ago and went swim, um, snorkeling with the manatees and as soon as my kids are old enough, I'm taking them.
Um, it's incredible.
We just amazing.
We put one of those videos on social media before too.
Oh, we, oh, good.
There you go.
Uh That's one of my favorite memories and it didn't even make my list.
Well, that's because Florida has everything.
It really does.
You hear us?
Florida Tourism Board, Florida has everything.
Uh, and they're from the south.
Why I don't want to cut you off with anything else.
Well, then my add to that since I've now added 1/4 1, swimming with the dolphins, one of my favorite lifetime trips.
Um, like in my entire life.
So when I was a kid we didn't take vacations really.
But my parents would always take like these long weekends with us.
So, like I never went, going to the beach for a week in the summer is a weird concept to me because I didn't do that until like high school and we only did it a handful of times, but until then we would get in the car because it is like a six hour drive.
My stepdad would get us ready at like three in the morning.
We'd get in the car.
And we'd drive and we'd end up at the beach.
And so we did Daytona.
But one year we ended up at Panama City and that was probably the first time I'd ever been on the Gulf side and ever seen the Gulf of Mexico.
It is amazing.
It's incredible.
And so I don't remember all the specifics.
We ended up with a pontoon boat rental.
I think my parents had to sit through one of those like, um condo tours that they give you.
We ended up with a pontoon boat rental and we took it out into the bay and you can see like dolphin out in the wild.
So what we were going to do is we were going to find like a sand bar and we were going to park the boat, um, like anchor in and then just hang out on the sand bar.
So we get somewhere and it's a little bit deep.
So we send my little brother who's five years younger than me.
We send him off the boat to like dive down and see like how deep is it?
Um He dives down.
He that child like jumped out of the water.
I have never seen someone come out of the water faster and he jumps out and he goes, lobsters, there are lobsters everywhere, lobsters everywhere.
We're like, what are you talking about?
So, one of us went down with our like goggles and looked and it was just covered in crabs, the bottom, the floor like it was too, it would have been too far for us to anchor anyway.
But there were just crabs everywhere.
So we moved and we ended up anchoring somewhere different and we get in the water and I jumped out of the water next because the next thing I knew a dolphin touched my leg because we had found where they were swimming.
And so my, I think my sister stayed in longer than the rest of us because it terrified me.
I don't like to be in the water with things touching me.
But you can actually just like swim with these wild dolphin.
And it was, it was the craziest thing.
It's my favorite trip.
If you ever want to know what it's like to be me and how things usually work out for me.
My swimming with the dolphins story is more like this to get bitten.
We actually paid to go do it.
Oh, no.
And then there was mating season and they're like, stay on your jet skis phone.
It could get dangerous.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, dolphins are very sexual creatures apparently.
So, like you don't want to get in the water and they can't distinguish between humans and dolphins.
I don't think they care.
So what I'm saying, people is if anybody ever says they're mating, stay out of the water, the dolphins, if anybody ever says the dolphins are made, well, I guess I mean, look, hey, it's not really for me to say, but yes, I am specifically talking to about dolphins.
But that really encapsulates my luck in life.
Oh, gosh.
I hope you have better memories than that.
I'm going a different direction than that from.
Oh, ok.
You want me to keep going.
We have more uh, every year we take a trip with our extended family to 30 A which is also on the Gulf side.
Um It's this like 30 A is this lovely highway that runs down the coast of Florida?
Um And it used to be way less built up than it is now and very like rustic and rural and it's a lot more commercial now than it ever was before, but still pretty like rustic.
Um It's not, but there's not a lot of chain restaurants and things yet and a lot of neighborhood feel too.
So we go there every year with my husband's family.
Um my sister in law started planning this trip like 15 years ago and they've gone every year since then and since we had kids, we've started going every year.
Um so we look forward to it every year.
It's uh we have certain things we like to do and um it includes renting a pontoon boat because of that fantastic time I had when I was a kid.
We rent a boat now, but I haven't seen any dolphins.
We did see one dolphin this last year.
Um, hanging around the marina.
But other than that, we just go snorkeling and hang out on Shell Island.
I think it is.
I might have that wrong.
Like, everywhere has a Shell Island, I guess.
Panama City too.
That, that's where it is.
We actually drive into Panama City to the boat, so it's the same thing.
Um, ok.
Well, those are my memories.
Uh, you know, I mean, I've been going to Florida since I was practically born.
Like, literally there's a picture of my dad holding me up.
My feet are like in the water and I'm like, and probably an inappropriate age.
Sorry, dad, like maybe I'm two weeks old or something.
He's just like, He was like 23.
He's like dipping my feet in the water, you know, it was perfect to me.
We took Carolina when she was two months old.
Yeah, I mean, I would want to do that.
He should have tossed me in.
I could swim that shit.
She was two months old and not sleeping through the night and I was getting ready to go back to work.
So we were like, well, why would we not just go to Florida and not sleep through the night?
Like, let's just do that.
And so we would be, we were in Panama City and we went to a place that Kyle used to go.
The other thing about Florida, what you remember from when you were a kid is not going to be the same when you go back now.
So Kyle used to go stay at this condo.
I will not name names but it's a very well known condo facility in Panama City.
They went every year and I Know which one it is.
So he tells me about it and I find a place there, we book it and we go, it was awful.
It was super rundown.
It was super dirty, super eighties.
Like the bathtub was black.
He, he doesn't understand why that was so weird to me but, and I had an infant so I had to wash her in the bathtub.
A black bathtub just shouldn't happen.
You can't see what's in there.
You have no idea what's in the bathtub.
Um So it was terrible.
So everything and, but he's like this used to be the greatest place in the whole world like this used to be amazing.
And like he has restaurants.
He used to love to go to, there's a steakhouse in Panama City that he loved.
We went with his parents wasn't the same steakhouse you remembered for being a kid.
I bet you still has the eighties vibe because I think I know which one he's talking about.
Um Captain Anderson's is another popular main stay there.
So actually that's where we rented the boat right next door to Captain Anderson's.
That makes sense.
And then there's the, is it really called like Treasure ship or something.
That's the one that closed.
Now, it really, they, they had a fire on our last drive back from Florida.
I had this whole deep dive on it and now I'm trying to remember.
I don't think they've reopened.
They had a fire and I think they just decided never to reopen.
Well, that's no good.
I know.
Well, so, so, uh, circling back to my two week exploit in the water, two weeks old, not two weeks in the water.
Um You know, it's just, I, I have so many memories um that it, it's, I mean, it was really actually hard to narrow down to talk about for here.
But after doing some thinking for the purposes of this segment, my plug is gonna be Saint Augustine.
So, uh Casey and I did this trip uh in 2016, we were actually staying at Ormond Beach, which is a, the, I think it's in the north end of Daytona.
And um you know, we just kind of wanted to see what Saint Augustine was like.
So we drove at least an hour to get there.
We loved it so much that we went back a second time before we left.
Um like on a whole other day, like we just thought it was the best.
We walked around downtown, which has like this really great old world European feel.
Uh It's got like little shops and eateries and galleries and points of interest for history.
It is as you may know, the oldest city in the US founded in 15 65 which is kind of mind blowing because we don't get a lot of that here and in the south, you really don't get a lot of that.
Um So I was, I just remember being really like taken aback by that when we first went, uh if you're the type of traveler who likes to meander and browse, don't miss Saint George Street and a Villa street.
Uh Just beautiful to walk around.
We also went to Castillo de San Marcus.
This is a national landmark and the oldest masonry fort in the country.
It's also the only standing 17th century military construction.
That was a Casey idea.
But I, I don't think I ever would have been like, I gotta get to this fort.
Um But it actually was pretty interesting and I, you know, I actually really enjoyed going there.
But the, my favorite thing we just stumbled onto it, it's called Flagler College, which is, is, it's just beautiful.
There's no other words for it.
Um It is actually considered one of the finest examples of Spanish renaissance architecture.
You know, I'm dumb.
So when we were in there, I was like, I feel like I'm in Harry Potter.
Um And then I go look it like Spanish architecture.
I'm like, mm probably not the same.
But anyway, so we wound up poking around on our own.
But if you find yourself in Saint Augustine.
There are two daily tours there for those who are interested.
And it was actually the Hotel Ponce de Leon built in 18 88 by the railroad magnate, Henry M Flagler.
And then they transitioned it to a college many, many years later.
So, but like even the fact that I was like walking around, I was like, screw you guys.
How do y'all go to such a pretty place?
I was like a Georgia State.
So I was like walking over a speed bump to get to my desk um in like the bottom of a parking garage.
So, um, so I get really angry when I see pretty campuses.
I'm like, oh yeah, you think you're special?
Uh My actual, the other thing that I just wanted to mention is that there's just something amazing about being on the way to Florida.
You were talking about how you would get up at like, well, you wouldn't, but your stepdad would get up.
I mean, we had to get up with him, but then we just go back to sleep.
That's true.
But like there's, there's something about that.
What, what about the process, that feeling of waking up early?
Excited to get out of town.
It's not quite humid yet, especially if you're like going in the spring driving through dot In Alabama was always exciting for me.
This is like the quaintest stretch of little homes on the way to Panama City and other places that side of Florida, um, blinking, you'll miss it.
But if you grew up here and drove to Florida, you know, I mean, because it was just that thing there.
I was like, oh, these houses, I love them.
But it really is, um, stopping by for roadside treats along the way.
Boiled peanuts, which I couldn't care less about.
But I know people really like them.
Vegetables, fruit stands, pecans, little jams and jellies.
And then your trip to Florida is so different than mine.
We had to stop at the scariest barbecue restaurant last year because Landon had to poop.
We had to walk through.
They still smoke in the restaurants.
Oh, the bathroom door had a hole in it.
You were in Florida already?
Although I feel like you could get that surprise in South Georgia.
That's true.
If you try hard and that's good.
Um, well, now I feel bad here in the rest of this because I was also thinking about like that first burst of salty sea air as you kind of close in on your destination.
Um, that feeling of relief usually because you have to pee, I'm not gonna lie.
But when you, if you're landing you have to poop, um, pull up and like wherever you're staying, whether it's a condo or a hotel or a beach where you're just there and you're like, so ready to be there and just run on down to the beach.
There's just like really nothing like it.
You know, I just love it so much.
I need a vacation.
I was so I was just saying right before we started recording, I was telling Salina, I needed a vacation and I was like, we have our annual trip to Florida coming up the way you just described.
It has nothing like my experience getting to Florida on the family trips because I don't.
And here's the difference.
You travel with siblings.
I did not, you have kids?
I do not like.
So it's just like all this stuff it's like, and yet I keep going back.
I just keep going back and actually I have bucket list Florida destinations.
Can I talk about those?
Oh, gosh.
Yeah, this is something if, if the state of Florida this full bar now because I know I'm sorry if they want, if they want to support this, I would fully do this as a sponsored trip.
I have um, a bucket list trip.
I would love to go to Key West.
It's on my list.
My idea of a Florida slash beach vacation is very rustic.
Like I want to be on the beach in like an old beach house.
It does not have to be fancy, it does not have to be super nice, but I want to be able to walk out my back door and go to the beach every day and I want it to be beautiful.
I want the water to be beautiful.
Um I I'm not trying to get in the Atlantic Ocean.
That's not for me.
I want it to be like the perfect visibility teal blue color that the gulf is.
So I'm hoping Key West is like that.
It is in my head near Key West is a national park called Dry Tortugas.
Um You can, you have to take a ferry to get there.
They only give out so many tickets every day to go.
But it is um like an old fort and it's on an island by itself and it looks incredible.
It looks like you are like in the middle of the Caribbean Ocean.
Like it's incredible.
I want to go there my bucket list and then the last bucket list place is probably more feasible.
Um Is Santabel Island, which I think is south of Fort Myers.
It may be north of Fort Myers.
You're saying Santabel Sanel?
So Kyle and I flew down to Fort Myers um when I was pregnant with the land.
And so for our like quote un quote baby moon And we drove to Santabel Island from Fort Myers.
Um but we didn't have a house there.
And so speaking of like my dream beach trip to be like in a house right off the beach.
Santabel Island is like that.
It's very 30 a um but a little bit more remote almost.
Um so there's just all these beach houses that are very near to the beach.
There are also some beach mansions which I would not be in.
Um, but it's gorgeous.
It's again that crystal blue, like teal water.
I very much want to go there.
They also have a lot of seashells.
That sounds lovely.
Yeah, because the problem with like a Shell Island is no.
Yeah, they've been taken long ago.
It's no Shell Island.
It's really, and that was like the case when I was little and I'm far from little these days.
So I hate to leave Florida.
I don't wanna leave Florida.
We won't, let's talk about what we liked in the designing women.
Uh, what, what did you like about this episode?
So I tend to like the destination episodes.
I like where we're out of Sugar Baker.
So I like that aspect.
Um, and this one isn't really easy.
Like this one feels like low hanging fruit.
Like it's almost cheap for me to pick it.
But, um, Suzanne's coming to Jesus with Ursula.
It was just chef's kiss.
It was nice.
My favorite thing is how Suzanne is this.
Like, we're supposed to believe she's this, like, vapid person that brings nothing to the table and is just like, worthless and wasting space and then she like, swoops in and saves the day and does it with like, almost like a, like a pizza maybe is the right word.
But like she owns herself and she Yeah.
And it was, I loved that.
Well, I think we have the same like, I mean, but this is, this is where just the one, just the one.
Well, we can go into others but that was the one that we have in common.
Uh Well, just her telling her to take her knockers and hit the road.
That was different because it wasn't translating.
So she got straight to the point and I really enjoy a straight shooter also.
Why we named the episode what we did.
So thank you, Suzanne, thank you.
That was also low hanging fruit.
Um And I agree it wasn't selfishly motivated like it.
What, what does she care?
She doesn't care about that nanny room?
Oh, that's true.
But she, I when push comes to shove though, I don't think there's anything she wouldn't do for Julia.
And I think she's tired of seeing ju she's also like, didn't we cover this in the finale?
It's time to move on.
She was like, and I don't even have dash here this time.
Not that I'm sure I'm not sure if she wanted a dash there the last time, but Suzanne was my number one like for this across the board.
Uh She's funny.
She's weirdly relatable.
Like Suzanne is not always relatable, funny, but I think sometimes we talked about with the fur coats and just like the excessiveness, you know, we're not always like, oh man, I just right here, me and you eye to eye, you know, but her like losing her luggage and that being a total pain in the butt and it feels like she's almost like the voice of the audience in this one.
Like, move it along.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
And I really like, this is like my favorite line where she'll say, uh, well, if you'll all, excuse me, I'll just be taking the maid's room till this au pair person arrives.
Because you will all be in your room, changing clothes and I don't have any clothes and the men will be in their room and I don't have a man and the kids will be in their room and I don't have a kid.
So I'll just be in the maid's room.
I do have a maid and I don't know why, but I was just like, I feel you on that girl, I feel you on that.
Not that I have a maid, but I do not.
But I just thought that was really nicely executed.
Solid writing.
What else did you like in this one?
Was it my other one you cov covered, which was Mary uh Mary Jane Different podcast.
Um Mary Jo is the line after they interview Ursula.
Well, now we know why they named them pair.
So I just thought that was really funny and you know, I love a reference.
So what about what we didn't like?
I got one thing.
Um And this is another case where I feel like didn't, like, just feels a little strong.
Um, but we're working really hard to set up the conflict in this one and doing some things that feel unrealistic, like, um taking time out of your vacation to find local child care versus bringing someone along.
Claudia is an obvious choice who is conveniently missing.
Now, could we make up a reason why she's not there?
She's a band.
She's here.
She's with her dad, blah, blah, blah, you know.
Um, but it just, it feels like she's a built in babysitter who we were like, we need to bring in some big knockers on this one.
Oh, that's a good point.
I didn't think about that was quint there, you know, I really could, I didn't recognize any of the kids who were they on vacation with.
It felt like, like not all of J DS kids were there.
I was, I couldn't tell who was, who was it.
D has a teenager too.
A boy.
Uh Yeah.
Yeah, he, he may be more tweeny.
But yeah, so, well, maybe him and Claudia are dating and they're off on their own.
Maybe they got their own kind.
That also sounds like a different podcast.
It does and it ends in a crime.
Um So again, we talked about this one, this absurdity of Bill and Charlene sitting in, in interviews with great concern.
Like that's not even that they have them there but they're like, hm, I, I just don't know.
At one point I think Charlene even calls, I think it was Charlene calls Bill out on it.
It's like we don't even have kids.
Why are you invested in Ursula?
But too late.
You're right.
You know, like, after they've all, like, checked references, you know, they're like, oh, one day Bill had her test CPR on him just in case you got to make sure they're qualified for the kids, Nikki for the kids.
Uh, and I've already shared my thoughts about Ursula specifically who is way overqualified and again, conveniently available to supervise kids on the beach For a vacation for, as you pointed out four days.
So that's mine.
I just felt like this was such a bummer of an episode to start this season on.
And then it just got me thinking like, did L BT get to choose the order of this?
So, was it intended to be a continuation of the season finale or did the network choose the order of this?
And it just randomly was the one they chose that under unanswerable question?
I think that's a good question because I, I, you know, I think, I think they get say in, um, the episode order, but at the same time, I'm sure the network can come in and, and, you know, put their foot down depending on how strongly they feel about something.
It just seems like such a weird way to kick off the season.
So we end last season thinking about this conflict between the couples.
No one really comes out smelling like a rose in that argument.
Although I think I would argue the men look worse, but the women didn't look all that great in that episode.
Um And then we come right in To this episode and exploit the worst in the women again, which is their insecurity about their looks with their partners to kick off season three.
But it does feel purposeful.
So, but I just, but like it does to you, it, it does, I just don't know that she achieved what she was looking to achieve.
So I don't know what she was looking to achieve that.
I don't know why you put those episodes side by side.
I see, I see what you're saying.
Um And, and, and I, I just don't know that like I said earlier, like I do feel like the conversation will end up being more productive, but I just, I don't know other than Suzanne being amazing in this episode, like, what was the payoff?
Yeah, like there was just some real garbage slung about in the season two season finale and I feel like we didn't reconcile any of that and maybe that's just an indicator of the type of fighter I am.
But I would have been like, and do you remember when you said women are less than men.
Let's talk about that a little bit.
Where does Ursula fit it?
Like, I would have pulled that back out, resolved that issue.
You would have resolved it, scratched that scab and made it bleed again.
At least one of the two.
So that was my, that was my big thing.
It's just lame.
Well, on that note, how about a rating?
I forgot to rate this 1000 look at the honesty.
All right.
Well, while you, I'm gonna let you think about that real quickly and I will go ahead and share with you that.
Um, I gave, well, first of all, you know what?
I messed this up, I didn't even say it correctly.
Do you want to rate the sucker?
I do.
You do right now right now in the minute.
Um, so I gave it a four out of five overqualified au pairs.
Like I said, it really bothers me.
Um, but Suzanne is basically what got me from a 3-4 in this one.
That's all in this one.
I think I love her at the same level that you love her all the time.
She, she definitely was tops for me.
Like I don't, I didn't necessarily care about the rest but I loved her.
Well, I'm gonna revise my rating that I just came up with.
Ok, I'm gonna go with 444 Lonely Beach Children.
Oh, yeah.
I guess they were lonely at the beach for four days with their grand grandchildren were at the beach for four days with grandpa and he had to hire someone to come in and take care of them.
I'm so annoyed by that rich people stuff, I guess.
But Mary Joe is not rich.
Charlene had no kids.
Just, just Julia, I guess.
I think, I think he's paying for all of it though.
I mean, he's like a high power attorney.
I think he's paying for, I just made him high power.
I don't know, he's high power but he's an attorney.
He does.
Well, I think he paid for the whole trip.
I think he paid for the plane tickets because I don't know why they had to take a plane.
I think that, um, I think that he also paid for, um, the pair and, uh, I think he took care of it all of it because I think that's what that generation did.
So I'm gonna give it four because actually you sold me on it.
I was gonna go with three but I'm Up into a four because Suzanne really carried the episode.
She did, she carried it all the way.
I've got something new this time that I'd like to explore.
Um, so it's a new segment where I would like for us to select who in our opinion won the episode and who lost the episode and why, who do you think won this episode?
I mean, 100% Suzanne.
She was amazing in that last scene.
Um, I said it already, like, we just give her little credit for being dialed in and, like, emotionally aware and then she, like, swoops in and just does what needs to be done and it's just really impressive.
She's, and she sent packing without being, like, super rude or ugly.
Yeah, I think, I think that's fair.
So graceful.
Yeah, I mean, she had told her to take her big knockers and hit the road.
I don't know if we would.
No, I would love for someone to tell you any time someone wants to tell me to take my big knockers anywhere I'm going.
And I think to your point earlier, I think loved it.
I'm a walk of pride.
Then my back's gonna hurt.
Uh, what, what a, what a glorious day.
What a glorious day for your back to hurt.
Not from stress nor anxiety, but just because your chest is so heavy knock.
The nachos, those poor women with large breasts, they're like, you don't know what you talk about me in the face of one of them right now.
Um, who lost the episode for you?
Are the Children?
They're the real losers.
Oh, my gosh.
Again, I, I know I'm harping on this.
They were only at the beach four days.
I got to tell you, I've been at the beach for seven days with my Children and I would love an pair.
It sounds glorious.
Don't You think that some of this is 80s?
I think parents are more attentive now.
They should care more.
Rich parents, maybe my parents would never have had someone caring for us at the beach either.
But we didn't have any money.
But maybe they would have been like, may I see you?
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, for sure.
We got a lot of time on our own and then like, you know, mom and dad are going to go have some beach cocktail.
It was just wild to me.
And maybe this is your point where like, it's spent, this was such an invented narrative.
But they spent like a day and a half interviewing nannies.
Then they fight with Ursula for two days and then Suzanne sends her packing on.
What should have been the last day of the trip anyway.
So it was all sort of, it feels like the energy would have been better suited just spending time with their kids.
Yeah, making sense.
Mine was Ursula.
She, she got the, the goodbye, whatever.
So for me, it just wasn't easy.
I don't know, she lost her job, she had to leave.
She couldn't take three drooling men on a run with her in the mornings anymore, which seems terrible.
But so I was gonna pick Ursula but the Children, I like your answer.
I'm gonna stay with mine.
But I think your answer is incredibly valid.
Uh, then back to normal things, 80s things, I didn't have anything here.
But as we've been talking, I'm thinking maybe I, maybe there are some things that I missed.
I got nothing.
I think outside of the clothes which we don't really, because then we'd just be talking about it every episode.
Uh, because they're always gonna look dated.
Yes, ma'am.
I am so glad you said that because I have a picture.
I have to show you.
I bet you, I know what it is.
What do you think it is?
I think you're going to show me J D's Brave shirt with his dog on it.
I am.
But no, I'm actually going to show you this outfit Mary Jo is wearing.
So in the very first scene at the condo, Mary Jo shows up in this like green button down jacket in Florida.
It is Thanksgiving.
I guess so.
She got off the plane where it's maybe cold in Georgia.
I thought this was the start of and I looked it up because I thought for sure that um, the Annie Potts, I thought for sure she was pregnant and this was them covering up her pregnancy because it looks like a maternity outfit.
Is it?
No, no, she doesn't get pregnant until season four.
Maybe that's just a stylistic choice.
Well, who doesn't want to wear a plaid potato sack?
Um, so I don't have any 80s things.
I just think they're at the beach.
There wasn't much Dateline.
Yeah, because like when you're at the beach you're at the beach, there were A lot of references that I think ended up in my references we need to talk about because they were 80s and I didn't get them.
Oh, yeah.
I'm sure we probably have a couple in common there.
What about Southern things?
All of Reese's turns a afraid.
He says like mercy and gracious.
No, he said those things like mercy, mercy.
Oh I thought you said Marcy, I'm like, who's this Marcy character?
You know, you can't understand my Southern accent.
So he said those things and those were all very Southern and then d was wearing a brave shirt about a quarter of the way through the episode.
That's true.
Actually, I, I wrote it down 5:35.
I really don't know why.
I think I remind my, I'm reminding myself potentially for social media, but I definitely wrote that down.
What an excellent look into my mathematical astuteness that I call five minutes into a 20 minute.
Oh, it is.
Oh my God.
It is.
It is a quarter of the way through.
Yeah, I took a picture of it for you just in case you didn't get the picture.
Look at those.
I know.
Look at that upper thigh.
I know a lot going on.
I love to look at a man's upper thigh.
Um Suzanne says that her, it's you were talking about this earlier with dairy Queen, but she talks about this new routine with noel um where they drive around the loop.
So I just want to say, I think the loop is referring to 285 with the Top down on 2 85.
Terrace being on being on 2 85 sounds terrible.
When was 2 85 built?
Uh 64 I think.
Um, so for those outside of Atlanta are unfamiliar.
2 85 is the interstate highway loop and circling Atlanta, Georgia for 64 miles.
It connects three major interstate highways to Atlanta.
I 20 I 75 I 85.
So it is one of the most heavily traveled roadways in the United States.
And I bring that up because when I went to go take my second driver's license exam after I failed in Gyne County for tapping a cone as I was parallel parking.
My Stepdad made me drive us out to Cartersville, which is, I think where I went on 285 the day of my license exam, I haven't recovered.
I think some of the gray hairs on my head are from that experience.
Is it like clueless?
Like suddenly there's a semi on you for sure.
That's just driving on 2 85.
Yeah, it's, it, it is, uh it is an experience.
It's terrifying.
Um I, I feel like it would have been more accurate for her to say the perimeter than the loop, but it's not egregious.
So uh you mentioned Dairy Queen earlier and I just wanted to say that in addition to now I want a micro pig who eats a micro blizzard with me.
Um I thought that's probably not healthy for them, but it's, the picture is still cute.
Um I want to stop and celebrate that.
It is an accurate reference for Georgia.
Oh, but I think the most interesting one they could have used the, oh, a true Atlanta like establishment.
Uh but nobody else would know what that was.
That's true.
I don't know.
And then uh J D's brat.
So we already covered that and it sounds like you've got some references on your list.
So I guess just the one really oversold that there were a couple and I honestly just was too tired to look into them um because it looked the height report on female sexuality.
Uh took me quite a it took a lot of mental energy and sweet tea and TV.
After dark, I ended up not being able to look into some of the other ones.
I found I was just like, it's not worth it.
So there are a lot of references they mentioned in their little game there at the end, Charros.
But the Report was a study on female sexuality based on responses from 3500 women to questionnaires.
I found two different numbers just for what it's worth.
3000, is the one I wrote down question to questionnaires about their experiences of sex and pleasure.
The book which was published in 1976 has sold almost 50 million copies worldwide.
Um and um he is the uh the researcher, she asked women ages 14-78, what they do and do not like about sex, how orgasm really feels with and without intercourse, how it feels to, I should have put an earmuffs warning.
I'm sorry, how it feels not to have an orgasm during sex and the importance of clitoral stimulation and masturbation.
Yeah, she can.
Well, how, yeah, if you're mentioning all of that, how can we nominate this for a later TNT V after dark?
Oh, sorry.
Oh, there's more, I think there's a lot more sorry.
That should have been an ear.
It's intriguing.
The whole thing is really intriguing.
I, I think my mom has this book.
I'm almost sure I remember seeing it on her shelf when I was little.
I do.
I mean that almost could have been an extra sugar because um it sounds like the researcher, it still can be.
It's true.
It sounds like the researcher faced a lot of sexism.
The reason she did the study was because she had encountered sexism.
Um She was tired of men reporting things about women's sexuality that she just knew from her own personal experience.
Not to be true.
Um And so she wanted to have the, the research to prove it.
Yeah, she sounded like a really interesting person.
I, one thing that I was wondering is, did you see that?
So she writes three books that are related to this uh to female sexuality.
And there's one that comes out in 87 which is why I think it may, it gets a mention in this episode.
Something I've sort of been on the lookout for is we're talking about references is like, but why is L BT talking about it in 87 88 86.
So this is specifically the height report on women in love, a cultural revolution in progress.
I'm like thinking maybe her book editor could have helped with that title, but that's OK.
It right.
It revealed that 98% of American women found their sex lives lacking.
So you can see how like I, I can see how men are gonna bristle at this.
Now we're really talking about we're steeply in heterosexual land here and I wonder if they cover anything that's outside of just heterosexuality.
I'm not sure because I didn't, I didn't like go read it.
Um but I did read up a little bit on it but um I, I think the whole thing is fascinating.
You want to do it.
I mean, well, I really do want to do sweet tea and TV after dark and we could just do it like an extra sugar segment.
Um, because I do think it's pretty fascinating.
Well, I am the kind of person who can't help myself.
So, the other things that came up was Kissinger, a compendium of thought on the how I think of it.
But I, I had trouble typing it and I was just like, you know what?
I can't, well, let me just go ahead and break some news for you.
It's unless someone can prove otherwise that book doesn't exist and you know, who has A lot of books written about them, Kiss the tree like 45.
And I scrolled through all of them and you should have seen me.
I was like, I just don't understand, but I never found it.
So I don't know what they're, I don't know what they're talking about.
It's like they made this up unless somebody wants to share with me this wonderful piece of, I don't know, you would call it literature, but whatever, share it with me because I couldn't find it.
But Henry Kissinger did serve as the Secretary of State and national security adviser under Presidents Nixon and Ford, he's a very controversial character.
So, you know, in some circles he's revered as America's greatest statesman.
Others might say he's responsible for perpetuating war and great crimes against humanity.
So, sounds pretty American to me.
Uh The only other thing that I have for my reference was Berlitz and I think that like if we listen closely enough, you would know that it's basically rosetta stone.
Um It's just a different kind.
So I look it up if you're really interested, it's exhausting, right.
It's more immersive than rosetta stone is rosetta stone is more individualized, but just in case anybody was like, what's this Berlitz?
I don't know if you want to take it.
It's more for like companies, I think like organizations versus me being like, I think I'd like to speak Portuguese, which I would, by the way, that would be wonderful.
Uh So that was all of my references.
Are we ready for my one cut line?
Oh, yes.
Um We had, I think there were a couple in this episode.
I only pulled out one though.
Um So it was when the ladies were in the condo talking about Ursula.
The reason I bring it up is twofold, one I mentioned earlier.
Um is another reference for Mary Jo.
But two, I think it was pretty important stage setting for Mary Jo's insecurity.
Um So she says, gee I don't know if we could compete with her even if we wanted to.
Um Suzanne says speak for yourself.
Well, Suzanne, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I saw her bra hanging on the towel rack in the bathroom.
So, so you're not top dog anymore.
How do you know?
Because I could get my whole head in one side of hers.
Mary Jo, you put her bra on your head.
I couldn't help it.
You know how that fascinates me.
Suzanne's cup fits me like a beanie, but Ursula's covered my whole face.
Well, Mary Jo, this just helps to point out the main problem you people have that I've been talking about.
You're not competitive.
I mean, you have here, this gorgeous girl gets up at 5 30 cooks with your boyfriend, cooks your boyfriend's breakfast, then goes jogging with him.
And what do you do?
You're in the bathroom trying her brazier on your head.
I mean, you're as impressed with her as he is.
So there you go.
I'm married Joe.
I, so that's the other reason I'm sharing that because I would totally have done that.
I feel like you could have identified with that.
Uh I have put min a bra on top of my head in amazement.
So do with that, whatever you want to.
So, is that it, that's it next episode, season three, episode 2, the candidate we'll have it renamed between now and then.
Of course, we'd love it between now and then, which is in five minutes when we record it.
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Uh Not going to be acting any time soon.
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Extra Sugar.
What are we gonna talk about?
We're gonna be talking about.
Well, 1988 because that's the year we're in.
Yeah, all of it.
Get out your pen and paper.
It's also 1988 in note taking.
Well, you know what that means.
What does it mean?
We'll see around the bend.
Welcome to this week's edition of Extra Sugar.
Not to mention season three's first Extra Sugar it up.
So uh one little tradition that we've made for our premiere episodes is to look at the year.
It is when the season premieres full transparency.
We've been in 1988 since the back of season two, but we haven't talked about it yet.
So let's talk 1988.
Shall we?
Let's so Nikki.
We would have been three years old when the season premiered.
I are so young.
So just babies, tiny, tiny babies.
Um I'm curious, do you actually even have any memories from being three years old?
Like, do you have memories from five minutes ago?
My earliest life memory is maybe five, but really third grade is when it, really, when my brain kicked in, I think that's average.
I think most people eight or nine is when they start.
Like they say that people, they, I've read stuff where they're like, it's impossible for people to remember underneath the age of eight.
Well, I think that's kind of silly.
No, I mean, I have like two really faint memories from being like two.
Um But uh I just about this episode where we talked about Florida, I vaguely recall two trips to Florida that year one.
I went to Seaworld with my mom.
I really remember they used to have the little dolphin push carts for kids like they put them in there like shaped like dolphins.
You don't remember these, I've never been to sea, you've never been to Seaworld.
Um And, and then the other one was my very first trip to Disney World with my grandparents.
And I think that's why it's so monumental, like and why it sort of crystallizes those.
Um And there was photo evidence so I can look back.
So is it memories?
Is it pictures?
Who knows?
Um But uh most of what we're gonna cover today comes from a very reliable website, Wikipedia dot org.
Not even that reliable pop culture madness.
So we'll share that link for people to peruse at their leisure.
We won't cover it all here.
Only the most interesting tidbits that I found there.
So, here's what I'd like to do.
I'd like to share some points of interest for you and the audience and then we'll play a low key game or two depending on how much time we have.
They will be easy games.
I like games.
Yeah, I don't want you to think that I challenge me.
I'm good at hard games.
Be my family and two out of three times last night.
Oh, that's wonderful.
Good job.
Um, ok, so also the other thing I'll say, as always, please jump in with any reactions, questions or whatever.
Now, here we go.
People magazine's sexiest man alive before I tell you who it was.
Do you have any guesses for 1988?
Why did I think of Sean Connery?
And Liam Neeson was the second one.
Uh, I was Sean Connery out of his sexiest man alive days by 88.
I don't, I think there are a lot of women that still find Sean Connery.
Very sexy.
Well, I mean, he's not with us any longer but yeah, they still find him sexy.
He was a very sexy human being.
It was John F.
Kennedy Junior.
Sometimes the regular, I mean, he was a President's son kid.
You did not find him good looking handsome.
I do actually think he's like maybe the most traditional sense, you know, like he, he's like a guy who really makes a tux look good.
I tend to like the bad boys like Sean Connery, but J F K Junior is fine.
Are you sure?
J F K Junior wasn't bad?
I don't know.
So, you know, let me actually ask you this.
Can you pick J F K Junior out of a lineup?
He's probably the one that looked like J F K.
I don't know.
I actually don't think he looks like J F K.
You know, I think he really picked up on the other jeans on the Jackie side.
Um I could pick him out of a lineup because I didn't think J F K was that good looking.
I think J F K was more like he's better looking than George Washington.
Well, now let's clarify though, if your lineup includes other Kennedys or other like people who look like the Kennedys, you know.
Oh, you're a Teddy Kennedy guy, then I'm not going to be able to pick him up.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
Um ok, so, well, now, you know, we spend more time on that than you intended to.
No, no, no, no, no, no, of course not.
What I was gonna say what was going on behind my eyes and then I was trying to decide if it was worth saying is say it J F K Junior is one of those people remembering the timeline in which he would been like super relevant.
And that's hard for me.
Like I cannot remember when he passed away.
I think so.
That's what it feels like.
So 88 feels really early because his relevancy like that feels like a big window of relevancy.
You don't even remember 88.
This is what I'm saying.
It's a tough year.
Um ok, so here's some notable books that year, a Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking and Matilda, by Roald Dahl.
Oh, so Matilda, that had a huge influence on my time.
I'm like Matilda.
I love That.
It had a huge influence.
So, um I, I mean, amazing.
I just, I think in my head that would have been an older book, the 70s and then uh a brief history, I would have thought that was older than that too.
I just, so this is what I'm saying, this to your point about us not really having a grasp on 1988 I think is what I'm trying to get with that or get at there.
Uh price of a movie ticket.
$57, no $4 ha Highway robbery.
That is about $15 today.
Oh, well, that's about what a movie ticket costs today.
I think that's what I have written down is for $15.
Literally today is how much it costs for an average movie ticket.
I didn't do uh inflation for $4.
It wasn't worth firing up the website.
Jacqueline Kennedy Oasis.
We get a second reference here.
I just thought this was really interesting.
She edited Michael Jackson's 1988 autobiography, moonwalk.
I just thought that was bizarre.
Uh, you know, I did read up a little bit about it.
I think he, he didn't even necessarily want her to.
But I, but then, yeah, which I don't understand, like, I'm like, why, why not?
But no, well, I didn't know she was doing book editing.
Yeah, so that was confusing for me.
But whatever this one is specifically catered to you, Quentin Tarantino.
That's not why had a cameo appearance as an Elvis impersonator in a 1988 episode of the Golden Girls.
You're a golden girls girl, Nikki.
I, you know that maybe somewhere in the recesses of my brain.
So quite a other women, quite a bit role for him.
But that was before he was Quentin Tarantino.
Um in 1988, Harvard Medi Medical School partnered with the film and TV Studios to insert the concept of the designated driver into pop culture.
The project was a huge success.
I mean, we still use the term today that that's not a good pr campaign.
I don't know what is.
So, I mean, because that's just cemented, that one feels 80 eight, feels early for that one too.
To me.
I think it feels a little late.
I mean, a lot of people dying on the roads between the 30s, eighties, not when it should have happened, but in my mind that feels like a mid nineties, like, mad, like the eight seat belt wearing the, um, like drugs, your brain on drugs.
Sort of like, it feels like none of the rules of the road came into play until we were of age.
Well, they do get stricter over time and they still continue to get stricter, but I just, I don't know that one really stood out to me.
Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon album was on the Billboard charts for a total of 741 consecutive weeks from 1973 to 1988.
Holy Crap.
Is that all mind blowing?
That's amazing.
I mean, it is a really good album.
But that just, I was like, what?
That's like a million years.
That's like who does that now?
Um Although you go Taylor might come close, I was gonna bring her up.
But Yeah.
Was she, has her career been that long?
No, she needs, she needs time.
Uh in 1988, 13% of Americans surveyed thought the moon was made of cheese.
How many?
That's alarming.
I'm just gonna tell you.
But is it, I'm actually not surprised because there are people who think the world is flat.
Um And that we haven't been to the moon.
So I think it's about, um, par, I think 13% is about.
I'm trying to imagine the person that believes the moon is made of cheese.
I would like the world to be made of cheese.
I'd like the world to be made of.
I would take a bite of it.
I agree.
One of the amazing, the rest of their life must be great because if you wake up and you think the su is made of cheese, like the rest of your week goes well, I think, yeah, because it's scary but it just didn't, I don't know, it didn't surprise me.
Um In 1988 C DS outsole vinyl records for the very first time.
Everything in that sentence makes me feel older than dirt But nobody said anything about cassette tapes and I was still buying cassette tapes well into the early 90s.
So that feels crazy to me.
88, crazy year year, the last major album released on eight track format was Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits also in 1988.
Don't you love this time capsule?
God, I love a time capsule.
Um Cosmopolitan magazine ran an erroneous article stating that women had no chance of contracting HIV from sex with a man because HIV could not be transmitted.
Wait for it in the missionary position.
Good Lord.
Thank you, Cosmo.
Thank you very much and then not to take it down and not more.
Uh but the doomsday clock was it six minutes to midnight.
This is according to the bulletin of atomic scientists as of this year.
And he guesses how well, I Was wondering, are we like 10 seconds from midnight?
We're still 100 seconds away.
It feels close.
A little closer than I'd like it to be.
This is also, I think before the Ukraine stuff really takes off.
So I don't know what we are now, but I'm guessing we're closer but you know what, they only release it at specific times.
So they might still be crunching the numbers.
Um I don't know what algorithm they use, but I like to think it's fancy and not just a dartboard.
Let's move on to a game of seen it, not seeing it.
Oh, no, I'm gonna name the top 10 movies of 1988 and you're going to tell us if you have or haven't and this is probably gonna find us, ladies, gentlemen, everyone else whether and what Nikki's next movie review might be number one according to box office, Mojo Rain, man.
Number such a good movie.
Ah, perfect, wonderful.
Uh Number two.
Who framed Roger Rabbit?
Of course, number three, coming to America.
I think so.
I've seen pieces of it for sure.
I'm pretty sure I've seen it all.
You need to see the whole thing and all the way through it is an amazing movie.
It's, it's probably the best movie Eddie Murphy ever did.
I, I can't even hear this from you.
# four big.
Oh, for sure.
Yeah, it's a great movie.
Number five, Twins.
Number six, Crocodile Dundee.
The second one.
Number seven.
Die Hard.
I just watched that the other night.
There you go.
Number eight, I'll let you go from this one.
If you don't want to watch it.
The naked gun from the files of police squad.
Oh, my gosh.
The naked gun movies are like some of my favorites.
88 might be your year.
I love Leslie Nielsen.
I can't imagine.
You haven't seen these last two.
So you may be in the clear lady.
Oh my gosh, I'm sweating.
Number nine.
I have not seen Cocktail.
Put it on the list.
You know what I remember about Cocktail?
Is that my stepdad had the album, I'm pretty sure the vinyl.
Um, but it may have been the last vinyl.
So I know it may have been ad I can't remember, but I can remember the cover.
All right.
Well, I'm gonna highlight that one and Beetle Juice.
I know you've seen Beetle Juice Juice.
I have watched Beetle Juice so many Times.
Well, I have got to list two movies that are very important to me, but unlisted.
Um, if you haven't seen one of them, I insist it be your next watch.
I don't think that's gonna be a problem though.
Those movies are the land before time and beaches, beaches is such a good movie.
I couldn't see a world where you hadn't seen beaches, beaches that is emotionally stimulating to me.
I think watching beaches comes with receipt of your vagina, not yours specifically.
I think I had it before.
Beaches actually about three years before beaches came out.
Um The receipt Peaches is such a good movie.
So good.
You just got to love it.
It's the best the girls that played them at the beginning of the movie.
I remember being a kid being so impressed by them as actors.
Who did you feel most akin to?
Oh, it, it definitely would have been um the I don't remember her name.
All I can remember is not be not Bette Midler's not Bette Midler, the other character, it would have been her that I would have felt a who do you think I felt a to be Midler?
I wanted to be C C Bloom, C C Bloom.
That's right.
Um And I, and I'm struggling to remember but she had like a, you know, nice classy name like Anne.
I was gonna say Mary.
Yeah, something like that.
Uh I mean, I wanted that relationship that friendship was so beautiful to me.
Um But yeah, two excellent excellent movies and I can't help but say with the land before time in case you don't know, Nikki anyone else?
It was executive produced by the legendary Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.
Getting right.
Finally everything Howard the Duck got wrong.
Just say for time is a tragic movie, but it's wonderful.
I love it so much.
So good.
I, I also wanted to be ducky.
I would have been, I would have been that dinosaur and I, I like it because they, that was not a gendered character.
You don't know, you don't know.
And you know what, it didn't matter.
I may do for a rewatch, but I feel like that one again.
Run me out emotionally.
I'm not sure.
I'm prepared to watch it with my kids Casey and I watched that when we first moved in this house, it would just happen to be on or something.
And it is just a timeless classic.
You absolutely make sure that your kids watch that.
Very important.
Yeah, it's a milestone.
Um, our final round is gonna be top 10 TV shows.
Oh, sorry, designing woman is not on the list.
I'll say the show and you'll say seen it or not seen it.
Number one, the Cosby Show seen it.
Number two, a different world seen it.
Number three.
Cheers, seen it.
Number four.
The Golden Girls seen it.
Number five.
Growing pains.
Oh my God.
Seen it.
Number six.
Who's the boss?
Seen it?
Seven night court seen it.
Eight 60 minutes.
I'm sure I've seen an episode of 60 minutes.
Feels like an outlier.
That's weird.
Number nine Murder she wrote, I don't know that I've ever watched Murder.
She wrote, I really don't think I have which is weird.
It may have come on, like, during the day, one time but, like, I haven't made a conscious effort to watch it.
Highlighting and number 10 Elf.
Oh, for sure.
Uh, I've seen all of them.
I've also seen all the movies.
I don't remember if I saw that specific Naked Gun, but I know I've been in the Naked Gun Universe.
I wanted to get out.
Oh, really?
Even when I was little, I had a really hard time with parodies.
I think when I was really little because I didn't, I, I just think that that kind of comedy went over my head when I was younger because like, I loved Austin Powers when I got just a little bit older.
But then I was like, I don't know what about Robin Hood Men in tights?
But I would have much rather have seen Robin Hood with Kevin Costner.
So The Naked gun um 33 and a third maybe.
I think that might be the one I saw.
Oh my God, I love that movie so much.
You know, he started out as a serious, serious actor and I, I just, I love that man.
He, I'm glad he made that shift.
I, I just love absurd comedy.
Like silliness.
I love um what was the Top Gun?
Um Oh, I just heard about that.
The Hot Shot Hot Shots.
Yeah, with Charlie Sheen.
Have you not seen that?
Uh I think I did but I was real, real little put it up there.
I'm one of my favorites.
I love the hotshots movies.
Uh Charlie Sheen was actually, I think up for Tom Cruise's part.
So I preferred hot shots to the naked gun.
God, I thought you were going to say the top gun.
Uh, um, but I preferred hot shots.
I just think it was funnier but the naked gun was really funny.
Well, everyone that's a little snapshot of 1988.
Did I miss anything glaring?
Let us know, you know how to find us lots of ways.
Meanwhile, let's see if we can talk Nikki into watching cocktail.
And that's this week's edition of.