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Designing Women S6 E5 Extra Sugar: Sitcoms and Weddings – The Perfect Marriage


Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Watching season 6 of “Designing Women” made us realize: every season has some kind of wedding plotline (season 4 has three episodes!). 

So as is our duty, we talked about which of these episodes pulled our heart strings and which ones left us hoping for an annulment. 

Of course, this is also an excuse to talk about our favorite TV wedding episodes of all time: the good, the bad, and the t-total disastrous. 

Some reads:


Come on y’all, let’s get into it! 



I'm not gonna lie in this position. I just want to, like, be like, we, ah, are the world.

You're not holding your headphones enough.

We are the children.

She's taken to standing because we're both miserably uncomfortable.

I mean, grandma can't be sitting on chair.

This is so hard. Just does a number on the back, doesn't it?

It was already in a salon chair for three hours. That's true. Like a normal human being. What I'm trying to say is. Hey, Nikki, Hey, Salina, and hey, y'all. And welcome to this week's edition of Extra Sugar.

Funny you said that about singing the song. Because I was over here feeling like a dj because I'm using this, like, mixing board thing and pushing all the buttons. And enough time is passing now that I'm having to, like, reorient my brain every time we record about what buttons I'm supposed to be pushing and when. And then I remember that I forgot to P something, so I'm all pushing really fast. So I felt like a dj.


Well, just really both getting our moment.

Yeah. You look like you wear many hats right now. You're wearing some cans, so. But yes, we are here for a purpose. And it's not just to sit here. And I don't know what we just did. we actually. Yeah. So we're bantering. we. In watching season six, we realized that we've taken a lot of trips, or almost trips down the aisle. Like, as in towards a wedding. And so I went back and counted. There were way more than I thought.


So I think in total. Hold on. I did count the total across six seasons. We get 10 episodes.

That's crazy.

Yeah. Built around marriage plots. So here's all of them in case anyone's forgotten. And you're just like, you know what I need today?

I need a list of all the designing women.

Will Selina and Nikki make a list? Maybe. Will our final episode should just be us, going through seven seasons. And just one by one, you and I, we'll just tell each other the name and just see if we can even remember the summary.

Oh, that could get interesting. Challenging.


It's remembering the subplots that would really be hard for me because they're so disparate.

You'd have to do, like, a lot of editing.


So that doesn't sound.

We're not doing that.

Yeah. So here are those wedding episodes, season one. In the pilot, we literally start the show with Suzanne getting engaged to Ted, who is Mary Jo's ex husband. That same season, in episode eight, in I Do I Don't, Julia and Rhys get married while incredibly intoxicated, followed by a fight, then an annulment. Classic Southern stuff. Season two, episode 17, the return of Rae Dawn. In the wake of Reggie MacDawson absconding with all of Suzanne's money, she plans to marry the very wealthy, very old and very mean Wilma Oliver. Oh, whose kids want to literally murder her for cutting in on their inheritance. In season three, episode four. Aren't you glad I didn't quiz you?

I'm very glad, yeah. Because there were a couple I forgot about.

In episode, four, getting married and eating dirt, Bernice gets briefly engaged to Everett Anders, a local celebrity of sorts. I will tell you, the names is where it really falls apart for me.


this is also Charlene's big season where she gets both engaged and married to bill in episode 17 and 18, respectively. Season 4, episode 19, Pain Grows up, is the one where Payne gets married and Julia has a breakdown. In the Season 5 premiere blast from the past, Mary Jo briefly is engaged to her best friend. And finally, in this season, episode five, Marriage Most Foul, Allison gets engaged, then jilted by her former boss and lover, Barry Bensford. And in the season finale, Shades of Vanessa, the cliffhanger ends on Anthony's very hasty engagement to new Vanessa. It's a lot.

That's a lot.

and I definitely forgot some of those.

Nikki: I think Charlene's wedding to Bill was the most traditional

So out of these, Nikki, which character do you think did it best?

I think Charlene's wedding to Bill was the most traditional and we gave it the most treatment as like an honest to goodness wedding. Spreading it out over two episodes, like building up to it, covering them post wedding. So I feel like I'd have to give it to Charlene.

We're back on the same page.

Same page city, baby.

Yeah. Feels good. I, think it, it was just like most of these are accidents.


And so.

Or misunderstandings.

Yeah, misunderstandings. And so I think that it's like they're genuinely in love. I realize you're talking about characters and they want to be together, so I think that real people, these are doing.

With my life these last few years.

Even the coffee makers have to say about it. well. And you know, so like the wedding episode itself I think was good. We had like the handcuff hijinks. otherwise it would be like a little boring just to cover a wedd. they balance that out with a really sweet wedding scene where we get some Good guest shots of the cast looking legitimately emotional. I don't know why they were so emotional. She didn't actually marry him. She was married to jd. but they, like, they look kind of teary eyed in the crowd.

I can assure you there's never been a wedding that I watched that I didn't cry.

Oh, that could.

Even a made up one. Like, especially a made up one.

I think it was Delta Burke that looked teary eyed.


I'd have to go back and look, but I'm pretty sure it was her.

You shared a list of your favorite weddings on Designing Women

Okay, so out of all of these, we both agree that Charlene really takes the cake. I think maybe we're giving away what the favorite episodes are, but did that favorite episode also align for you, or do you have a different one?

I think I have a different one because I just try to keep things hot and fresh.

Oh, yeah. Keep it saucy.

You shared that list of weddings. I don't know what just happened. when you shared that list. I had completely forgotten about many of these.


I forgot about Suzanne and Ted. That's how the whole show starts. I forgot about that, Julia and Rhys getting married and then annulled. I remembered it, obviously, as soon as you put it in the list. But, like, when I think of Designing Women moments that didn't pop to mind for me. And Bernice is flipping Almost Wedding. And I would say Bernice is flipping almost Wedding probably rises to the top because it's Bernice. And there were a lot of happy moments. Happy making funny moments in that I feel like.

Well, okay, so on that one in particular, though, I also think that people sort of skip to the eating dirt part of that episode, which is. Oh, it's a weird subplot, but. Yeah, it does. It's a Julia rant that I think people enjoy. And so maybe that's also some of the. Also that I literally think we covered that three years ago, so it's possible. Yeah. Also, tell me more. it's possible that I remember a little bit more because I do all the social media clips. You know what I'm saying? I'm just saying, if you spend, like, more hours than you want to admit, like clipping episodes, you might be, like, remembering weird things. Oh, yeah. They were in blue shoes. Who? All of them. I don't know. Why ask the costume designer? Anyways, so I'm gonna go a little bit of a different route here. I'm going season six, and I'm going Allison's. Oh, okay. Let's give this lady, some support. First of all, this poor gal, she's got to creep into the favorite somewhere. So I really like this one because. Okay, first of all, we get that bizarre and fascinating Marla Maples appearance, and then we have Julia's phone call to trump. That alone is worth the price of admission. And then it also took Allison down a peg or 12, and I think she needed a little reset. I think she actually, like, she's still obnoxious after that episode, but we do see, like, a little bit of a turn, compared to the rest of it.


So she needed some noodles, and she needed to sit in her wedding dress for four, five, seven days. She needed something that looks like me when I'm remote working.

Sitting in your wedding dress.

Nope. But the state of it.


Like a mustard stain.

Sitting your wedding dress, please.

I, I mean, like, I have it. It's in a box.

Oh, yeah. Preserved and all that.

Yeah. Also, I don't want to see if I can still button it or not.

That's not fun for anybody.

It's not really an activity I want to participate in.

Mine was a lace up back, so it probably still fits.

Smart thinking.

Designing Women frequently throws wedding plots into its episodes

So what about Lee's favorite?

Okay. I had also forgotten the Suzanne and Ted thing, like I just said.


But, you know, that storyline was, like, pre character development for Suzanne. So it's almost a Suzanne you don't recognize. And that is a tough pill to swallow knowing what we know now about her character. So that was probably it for me.

I mean, honestly, it's the exact same.


So I. I just didn't, love it. I will say, in general, I think most of these are a little hit or miss.


In terms of how successful they are, which might call into question how good of it. Like, again, I'm just going to come back to this for seven seasons, I guess, and just say it's understandable in the context of somewhere between 22 and 26 episodes that you're like, I guess it's time for the wedding one.

I think that happens a lot.

Let's take them to the beach.

So in King of Queens, which, you know, I know a lot about, there are probably four or five weddings in that one. I think they talk about Doug and Carrie. I think there are two episodes about Doug and Carrie's wedding. Oh, m. Two episodes on different seasons, I'm pretty sure.


The season or the series ends with a wedding, so I think any time there is a little bit of shakeup needed, any sort of redirection of a plot. Yeah, we just throw a wedding in. And I think, unfortunately, they needed a lot of redirection of plot through this show.

Just 10 episodes.

And it's also like the time of life the women were in. You know, like 30s, 40s, 50s, like, I think romance had to be part of it. And then, I don't know, marriage at some point. I guess I'm trying to give him some credit.

Although this show is more famous. I think famous may not be the right word, but they're more likely to just bring someone in and then kick them to the curb. Right. Never see him again. It's true. So Designing Women, certainly not the only show. Just like you're saying King of Queens, you get all of these different wedding plots.

So I thought we could talk about weddings on other TV shows

So I thought we could talk about weddings on other TV shows. Do you have an off the top of your head favorite? Is the King of Queens 1 your favorite?

Absolutely not. No, I think I had two when I really thought about this. So I know that there are famous weddings and when you think of TV shows and weddings, there are some that just rise to the top. They're not always my favorites though. So I would say that, when David and Patrick get married in Schitt's Creek, I thought was such a beautiful m. Modern wedding on TV that we haven't seen. We, to that point hadn't seen something done quite that way. So I thought that was a really lovely episode. It wasn't, overly, like cheesy, but it was true to the characters of the show. And it was also super. It's just super sweet and romantic. So that was one. And then the other one is more of an old school favorite. It's actually the Golden Girls series finale. It ends on a wedding as well. Spoilies. Dorothy is getting married and she's marrying Leslie Nielsen, of all people.

Oh, that was gonna be my guess. Not Leslie Nielsen, but that out of everyone it would be.

But it was Dorothy. So it's a really emotional ending to a seven year journey for these women who move in together and become roommates after having lived entire lives. you just sort of think like, they're gonna end up together forever. And then when Julia gets. Not Julia, I'm thinking when Dorothy gets married and leaves, and then there's this whole thing that happens with her mom in the show. It's just really emotional. And when it comes on or if it's ever the thing that's popping on with, I can't watch it. It's too much for me. The women got Genuinely emotional. Like you were talking about the Charlene wedding. All of the ladies, they said during filming all the tears were real and all the hugs were real because it was the end of an era for them. That had been a really influential thing. So that one's a real favorite for me. I just can't watch it.

Except for that. Well, without looking at all, I immediately thought of Jim and Pam's wedding.

That would make it to my list of in the, in the pop culture phenomenon. That is one that, when you talk TV weddings, that has to be in the top 10.

I mean, it's so good.

I didn't watch the Office in real time, but I remember people talking about Jim and Pam.

I was watching it in real time by then. So, like, I have like a very crystal clear memory of Casey and I being at home and watching this, like on a Thursday night or whatever. And it was a two parter. It's hilariously funny, it's adorably sweet. It had the right amount of wedding shenanigans. And I just think that is like, with all due respect, so counter to a lot of these older shows. I mean, at this point, the Office is an older show too, but, like, where it felt like filler. And this doesn't feel it's intentional. It feels so intentional and it feels so well thought out and so, so planned.

We're, uh, spoiling here today because this is an old episode

We're, spoiling here today because this is, we're talking about.

None of these shows are new.

Well, that too. But you know, people are really weird about spoilers. They're like, I was getting around to bewitch. but I mean, this is a 15 year old episode. It premiered in 2009, so I can't help you. But they unsuccessfully try and hide Pam's pregnancy from her very conservative grandmother. So I like, that's also like relata, to be honest. Michael hooks up with Pam's mom. Pam has to take Andy to the hospital after he tears a scrotum trying to do a split while he's dancing. And then that's the first time I said that word on here. after. I don't know, first time. This episode, after a lot of shenanigans were down, we're shown a shot of Jim and Pam sneaking off earlier in the day to get married. Just the two of them on a boat under Niagara Falls. This is cut in with their friends and family surprising them with a recreation of the viral wedding entrance to the Black Eyed Peas. I got a feeling I would kill someone. And then the most romantic quote of all time where Jim says, and I. I cry so often about Jim and Pam's relationship. I'm such a sucker. Anyways, I. He's always says, I bought those boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we need a backup plan. The boat was actually plan C. The church was plan B. And plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.


Writers of Designing Women meet this written man. Like, this is the man I want to see in these episodes. You know what I'm saying? Like, not someone telling me how a body is a map.

Pretty rough.

Oh, I got a stitch in my side thinking about it. Oh, my map is broken.

You got a little mountain range right here in your lower back.

It's just so, like, these women are so well written on Designing Women. So I'm, like, really not trying to throw shade, but I'm just telling you, like, there was something, like, happening in my brain as I was looking to, like, the way that men are written on these other shows. And I was like, goodness.

I wanted to talk about disastrous wedding episodes on Modern Family

but I did also want to talk about, like, disastrous wedding episodes, because I feel like that's a big trope among this particular genre almost of, whatever. So did you have any that came to mind for you?

Well, after you mentioned it, the Cam and Mitch wedding in Modern Family, of course I remembered the wedding. I had forgotten that it was just, like chaos over two episodes. So I rewatched it this week and cried. I cried. It's just so sweet. There's so much happening. But that show is singular in that you never. Sometimes I talk about Designing Women episodes feeling bloated. Like, there's so many things you're trying to parse apart in these, like, quick 22 minute segments. Modern Family never feels that way, even though it's an enormous cast covering a lot of ground. So we had the Cam and Mitch wedding, but there were so many things layered into that. There was Cam's, Mom and dad are going through some stuff. We've got Haley getting, emotions and feelings for the male nanny. It's just. And then there's, the dad's, like, emotions about admitting that his son is marrying a man, even though he's been around this couple for so long. It's just a lot. And there was a lot of disaster. A lot of disaster.

A lot of disaster. It's a great episode.

Natural disasters happened. Like, tuxes were several.

You mentioned covering disastrous ones on your podcast

the other one that I thought about when you mentioned covering disastrous ones, so I don't think I mentioned this, and I should have when we did our big catch up, because another big part of my summer was binging the Conners, the Roseanne spin off show. Because I'm a huge Roseanne fan. Not Roseanne herself, necessarily, but that's another conversation for another time. But the show. Roseanne loved Roseanne. And when the Conners spun off, I tried to watch that first season and it was so tough to watch. They found their stride can confirm because I really committed to it because I was like, it can't be this bad, but there's a wedding when, John. Oh, my gosh. Dan and Louise, they get married. John Goodman and, you know who I'm talking about. Peggy Bundy, they get married.

Oh, I didn't know she was in the show.

Oh, it's big show, Big show. A lot of seasons, a lot happens. They get married. Okay.

I also. I. Spoilers. I was watching the first season and bailed.

So bad. It's so bad. And it's not any better in rewatch, but it gets so much better. It actually gets really good. So Dan and Louise get married, and there is a natural disaster that happens in the middle of the wedding. So it was actually. It was a nice episode, even though I felt like their relationship. This is not a Connors podcast, but their relationship felt a little tacked together and sometimes. So it was a little weird to me they were getting married, especially with what happened to Roseanne and how quickly it all happened. But it ended up being kind of a sweet story and there was a natural disaster. That's it.

Are you watching on Hulu?


Oh, it is on Netflix.

It was this summer, I think I. I ended, like, a couple episodes early because, you know, the end of shows are really hard for me to watch.

I do know that.

It's just tough. So I didn't. I haven't quite finished it yet.

Yeah, well, you got something to hang on to. okay, well, I'm taking a hard right for my disastrous wedding.

not your disastrous wedding.

No, not my disastrous wedding.

You had to borrow candy at your wedding.

Just one bar. So I. I'm not using a sitcom. I'm moving to something different. Oh, it's got to be Game of Thrones. It's got to be the Red Wedding.

You just won't let this go.

This is Game of Thrones.

You keep sucking me back in. Yeah, that's. That's the ultimate disaster.

Yeah, they're slit throats.

I watched that entire episode, and I was watching Game of Thrones in real time at that point. Or, like, recorded a day later or whatever. My mouth was, like, hanging open.

Remember how they had all the recordings of people watching it?

Yes. and, like, I could have been one of those people. I had no idea this is what was going. People who read the books knew. Yeah, I didn't read the books. I didn't know. I was like, what. What is happening? It was my first inclination, like, inkling that they were going to ruin this for me.

I knew something big was going to happen. But, like. And I knew that book readers knew that this was, like, a very pivotal episode. But I was so dramatic. I know that shocked you to your core. Fell on the floor screaming, screamed.

I think I did, too.

And I took my pillow and threw it.

Like, I didn't do that because Kyle would have killed me. About the tv.

Oh, not at the tv.


Like, the TV was like, Caddy Corner for us. And I just, like, I. I was like, what?


And, like, threw it across the bed. but, yeah, I mean, there is just. I. Literally everyone dies.

I mean, so dramatically, violently.

This is what I'm saying. It's so many slit throats. I don't know I've ever seen that many throats. It's just like, one after.

And you're just like, thinking, okay, it's gonna end. It's. It's gonna end. And, these are like, end game characters. Like, some of the characters that go.

Man, they really knew how to kill a main character

You're just like, is the show ending? Like, what's. Is the world ending? What's happening here?

Man, they really knew how to kill a main character.

They sure did.

You know, but they. I guess they had a big, sprawling cast to pull from.

The Red Wedding where Joffrey dies was a high point for me

So in the list of best weddings, the Joffrey wedding where he spo. Where he dies, that was a high point in TV for me.

I totally.

I feel terrible saying that about a kid.

Re. Watch. I was like, ah, he was, like, 19.

He really deserved to die. Yeah, And I don't say that a lot.

Yeah, I was.

I mean, I say it, but not a lot.

I. I was like, I feel bad that I feel this good.

It was very gratifying. Yeah, that one felt good also.

Ramsay Bolton later. That was fancy. This is who Sansa, married. Oh.

Oh, my gosh. Very happy to see that guy. He is a brilliant actor because anytime he came on screen, my stomach would turn. It's terrifying.

I don't know how anybody plays someone that bad.

Golly, it's. It's pathological. He was terrified.

Yeah. I Mean, just the really, really bad character.

So the Red Wedding.

Battle of the Bastards, man.



You know what I'm saying?

I could just. I could just stay here.

Monica and Chandler is probably the one that fans remember the most

Anyways, so I did have.

I thought you were talking about our podcast, the Battle of the Bastards.

Well, that too. I, did have some honorable mentions.


and if there's anything any other weddings that just really pop out there for you, you share them. You share them.

Girl, you've got everything from me.

so friends loved a wedding episode too.


Monica and Chandler is probably the one that fans remember the most. Though I would argue the end game engagement episode for that one is better.

Yeah, that one's so good. Oh, sweet.

I actually think my favorite is where Rachel and Ross get wasted and married in Vegas.

Oh, that's a good one.

I mean, that was just so much fun. There's the Ross and Emily wedding. That's like probably a series low for me.

So fascinating you say that because that's the wedding episode that I think I really like a lot. Because it's when Rachel really realizes everything that's happening. And I know that she acts badly.


I know that she ruined something for Ross. But it was really romantic.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Well, I guess if you don't realize by the time that someone m. Says your name. Yeah. In their vows.


Like, I don't know how much further you can. But like, it's also hard to explain probably, you know, to the youths, the youngins, what a moment this was.

It was a Jim and Pam moment, but like almost a decade earlier and.

Bigger and so much because sizes of audiences were bigger.

Everybody wanted to know what was going to happen with Ross and Rachel that.

Might be the biggest couple of all time on tv.


I mean, it's. It's really up there.

Which is funny because the Monica and Chandler plotline is the most romantic one. Ross and Rachel actually kind of make you mad by the end because you're just like, oh, my God, get it together, you two. You're adults now and.

Or always you are adults in this show.

That's true. But they really kid adults playing around in New York. Yeah. but yeah, Monica and Chandler is super romantic.

I was. Yeah. I mean, they were get to watch.

It from their relationship from the beginning.

You know, people didn't really like a lot. Like, Ross is one of those characters that has really fallen in people's. Oh.

And over.


So I never really cared for him.

I don't think that a lot of people do. So he's just kind of a.

He's funny. He's funny, but he's not super redeeming.

Yeah. Anywho.

The episode where Dwight and Angela get married is so good

All right, I've got one more that I wanted to share as well, which is a second one from the Office. I guess my favorite shows are really bubbling up here to the top. I've seen the Office a scary amount of times. I know some people are lukewarm.

I'm lukewarm.

I feel in lukewarm all the time. Or lukewarm on those final seasons where Steve Carell leaves. I also highly encourage people to go back and try. Just try. Just try it. Maybe like a season six and seven of Designing Women. Just give it a shot. But where Dwight and Angela get married is so good. So this is like, for the series.

They get married at, like, the radish farm, turnip farm, Beetle beat farm. Do they get married there? Okay, so I've seen this.

Corell makes a cameo appearance as his surprise best man. Jim is being really sweet to Dwight, making sure he gets everything wanted or everything he wants. And in my opinion, I think that this episode was fan service. It might have been a two parter, but it's fan service at its best. It's like they were pulling out all the stops for the end of the show. and so it was just, it was just really lovely, really funny. And Dwight and Angela, ah, are also a couple that, you know, we basically watched across most of the entire series. So that one was helped for me too. And I'm not keeping you from sharing anything else that you.

I had two thoughts when you were putting this segment together

Well, I'm sitting here. I had two thoughts when you were, putting this segment together. Two Weddings I thought about. One is not tv. It's the Sex and the City, movie. I think it's the first movie. I feel like I remember sitting in a movie theater when she gets left at the altar by Big. That I sobbed so hard. And I don't know anything about Sex in the City other than what I watched in the movie. I watched the first two movies. There's a third one, right?

Or there.

Only two. I've seen both of the movies. The second one was not so great. the first one, Trip, was cool. When she went down in the middle of the street sobbing, I cried so hard with her.

I just. Okay, so first of all, I. I was very upset, but I also wanted to be like, hey, hey, hey. It just shows you the trauma that she had been through in that relationship because, like, literally nothing happened.


And she, like, lost her, you know, What? Yeah. Like, literally, he's coming out to be like, my car was late.


I was caught in traffic. And she is having an absolute conniption fit.

I just felt bad for her.

Oh, it was very sad. She wore a bird on her head. You know? She tell you about it? I love that movie. I've seen it also many, many times and saw in the theater. So, big fan. Just like, I felt like they needed some stakes and I understand that. I almost wish they had pushed it a little further.


For something. But I know they didn't want him to cheat.

Yeah. For whatever reason in the moment, knowing nothing else except that she had been through. I mean, everybody was a really good performance. She had been through it with Big, I think every again, like, talking about Friends, even though that was an HBO show, I feel like everyone watched it except me. and so I knew she had been through it with him. It was. It just hit me a certain way.

How are you telling me that you've never seen an episode of Sex in the City?

An episode? Maybe half a dozen, but, yeah, I've never watched a whole.


Too dirty.

I don't know. I don't know. I actually saw this. Not to take us on an aside, but that's what I do.

It's an extra sugar.

I saw an Instagram reel today where someone was like, she has a segment she does that's. Is it a fit or is it just because Carrie, wore it in Sex and the City? And when I think of Sex and the City, I think of a bunch of, like, college age girls who had no connection whatsoever. I'm thinking of girls my age who had no connection whatsoever to this life as a journalist in New York City being enthralled by the fashion of Carrie Bradshaw. And when I look at pictures of her fashion, I struggle with a little bit. I don't really know if those fits really work. and so that. That thing this morning reminded me of that. And I was reading through the comments, and you fall, on either side of it. You either really love the way she dresses or you don't. For me, it was so much about the fashion that I just tuned out.

Is way different from season to season. You get to the end and you can feel more of Sarah Jessica Parker in it. And it, like, went from, like, these really trendy, like, almost like, if you're not really into fashion. And let me be clear, I'm not. Not in that way where, like, you can put together a really weird, cool outfit and I, like, I'm like, I. You know, it might just go a little too far. But most of it is, she grew. As that character grew, it got to, like, a different level of sophistication. The final season, there are some outfits that. Those will bring tears to my eyes, but they're also, like, gowns. Like, she's going to events, you know, like, because her career grows over that.

And the show's budget grows.

You got it.

So, yeah, I, I. Sex and the City is one of those I probably should watch. But I think I missed some sort.

Of, like, jump on the bandwagon in 1998.

Gilmore Girls almost had a wedding when she was engaged to Max


so when I, like, turn it on. And when you're 13, women who are 35 or 32 might as well be 107. So I remember being, like, 15 and being like, I. I know this is having a cultural moment. I really want to watch it. And I turn it on. I was like. Like, I don't know what to do with all these old ladies.

It was formative during college for some element of my friend group. There was, like, a renaissance, and they just.

Well, when it came to tbs.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, maybe.

Yeah. so when I came to tbs, I got. I gave it another shot, and I was like, oh, my God. And then I wanted to live in New York, so.

And, then I was just over here watching reruns of King of Queens. You know what I mean? Like, the other thing that I was sitting here processing.

Oh, weddings.

Weddings, yes. Gilmore Girls. I am trying so hard to remember. there are two. When she was engaged to Max. Their breakup.


Devastated me.


In a painful way, because it broke his heart. And Lorelai was clearly going through it like she didn't know why she didn't love him. And that was so hard for her to process through. So their almost wedding was really important for the show, actually. But it was also kind of beautiful.

Yeah. Is that the one where Suki makes all the cakes?

Yes. And she. They go on the road trip to Harvard, her and Rory.

Right. But, like, when they throw her, maybe it's a bridal shower, and they're sitting.

Out in the town square.

Beautiful. They. The way that they decorated that set all the time is just, like, so, like, hallmarky and, like, warm.

Gilmore Girls had a lot of memorable wedding moments

if we're gonna do that, then I have to also mention Luke and Lorelai's wedding.

So that's what I was trying to remember. If that. That had to be in the year of Life. A year in the life. And that was in Town Square. It Was in the gazebo. Right. I'm imagining lights.

Yes. Because string lights. It's just the three of them.


And. But they decorated all the trees and like made like a little Alice in Wonderland style thing. It's amazing. And there's also, it. There's a. The song that plays then is a replay.


Reflecting Light. And it's so good. If you haven't heard Reflecting Light, listen to it.

It was the payoff wedding that I feel like everybody deserved after watching them for so many seasons on their up and downs and evidence that sometimes the smallest, like the Jim and Pam of it, you know, where they just go and do their thing by themselves. That's the romantic part we deserve to see as fans.

I think Reflecting Light was also in an earlier dance scene between the two of them. I knew I had this knowledge in my head before I had six seasons of Designing Women in there.

I gotta go back to the Gilmore Girls A Year in a Life. It's a little bit of a hard watch, but that was really romantic.

There are some really bright spots though that are so good. And then I think they like. Now that we've done this for so long, I think what that was suffering from so much. Sorry. Was to all those involved was just they hadn't worked together in so long that they're having to re. Gel again. and it seemed like the.

The show writers didn't have a plan. That's what it felt like to me. Yeah, for sure. It felt like they just like the Salina's doing the motion of money. Yeah. Good. thank God.

That's the motion.

Yeah. Anyway, that's another podcast for another time. But Gilmore Girls had a lot of wedding adjacent moments and I do remember there being some romantic ones.

Do you think there just needs to be one more Gilmore Girls podcast? Do you think that would help?

I think that would help, yes. And we should watch moment by moment.

Absolutely. So, okay, there are, as you can tell from us going on this additional 15 minute diatribe, that there are a ton, more fun and disastrous weddings and also Carrie Bradshaw's fashion. So we'll drop a few lists in our show notes for you to peruse. You can go Google Carrie Bradshaw if you'd like. In the meantime, you know the drill. DM us, email us or contact us from the website and find us all over the socials. And that's this week. Extra sugar.


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